Welcome to our about page. Here, you will find information about the site and its collators, contact info, citations and links to sources, and links to other useful sites.
Background- This site first started in February 2018, as a space to collate information about ants for myrmecologists and ant enthusiasts in Scotland, but also the rest of the UK. The creator hopes that adequate and comprehensive information can be found as desired, however if we have missed anything, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the contact details below.
Welcome! thanks for visiting this page and expressing your interest in myrmecology. My name is Christopher, and as an ant enthusiast residing in Scotland, I started developing this site to help others like me practice their hobby. While researching ants and species, I noticed that sometimes information can be very sparse, and you need to be told where to go to find certain answers.
Therefore, I have decided to try and collate all of this scattered information to create an easy-to-use log of ant species native to Scotland (and the rest of the UK). Hopefully we can create a useful resource for many hobbyists and enthusiasts to research and identify species.
Future plans for the site include;
Before I sign off, you'll notice that the site is still developing, and that there's not much up here, but I assure you this is a temporary inconvenience, and soon our pages will be thriving. If you have anything to add, or any questions or suggestions, please drop an email to admin@antsscotland.co.uk
Many thanks,
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